Carl William

Alexander Sandberg


Software tinkerer. Creating, exploring, learning. Keeping it simple. Building carefully crafted Swift and SwiftUI apps.


Who, What, Why


Short-term focus


Long-term goals

Indie apps

[ Details ]


My latest indie app!

A time tracking app that helps you balance work and life.

Tiny Softbox (opens in new tab)

Simple softbox for video calls, photography, reading, etc.

Tiny Weather (opens in new tab)

Minimal weather app that protects your privacy.

Other projects

Composer (opens in new tab)

Platform to build, backtest, and execute trading algorithms.

Tempo (opens in new tab)

Minimalistic email client that helps you focus. Sunset in 2021. (opens in new tab)

Movement inspiring people to share their long-term goals.

Life lessons

Collection of knowledge I’ve gathered over the years.